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Dear [REDACTED],............I am writing this letter to formally express my desire to put an end to the chaos. While I understand that it is not within my jurisdiction to make decisions for our cult superiors, as the town's mayor, I believe I should have the right to express my views. Therefore, I am resigning from my position as mayor. Over time, I have become unsuitable for my role and I no longer feel like I belong to this community. My priorities have shifted, and I have reached an age where I no longer align with the values of this group. I have been a devoted follower of your teachings since my youth, but upon introspection, I have come to the realization that I no longer hold the same beliefs. Instead, I aspire to worship our benevolent deity and saints through my own personal practice and embrace a more modest existence as I age. My ultimate desire is to spend my remaining years in tranquility alongside my loved family. I am willing to return anything that you may request in order to leave this community and ensure the well-being of my family to be also resigned. I want to emphasize, that I am no longer at your disposal, merely to be toyed with. I want to stress that I am no longer at your disposal to be manipulated. I trust that you comprehend my desire and we can part ways amicably, without any further communication or conflict.-Signed, Ethan E. Evermore[This note was discovered with Evermore's body. Part of it was covered in blood and seemed to have been planned to be sent for a while because the paper was discolored.]

On December 14, the body of a man named Bob Velseb, AKA "Red Devil", was found at [REDACTED] inside an alley dumpster. An autopsy was conducted, and the following is an exhaustive report of the findings and analysis of this case.We will still attempt to find the cause of death and any unusual findings.The body contains numerous marks and wounds of various ages and severity. The cause of death was ruled as a hit-and-run. The skin is pale and clammy. The nose and eyes are swollen. There is blood coming from the nose and one corner of the mouth. The bottom lip was split. The most unusual finding in the autopsy is the presence of embalming fluids in large quantities in the bloodstream and organs. The cult sigil found in the chest indicates that this may be connected to a cult or satanic ritual, which could provide valuable clues. The body seems to be two to three weeks old but shows no signs of decay. The embalming fluids cover all internal organs and preserve them from decay. Somehow embalming fluids seem to have been injected into the body long before his death.One theory is that the man was embalmed alive. He may have been a cult member who believed it would preserve his soul and allow him to live on in the afterlife. Another theory is that the embalming fluids were used as torture during interrogations.The discovery of Bob Velseb being the "Red Devil" is unusual. Bob was a sweet and kind single father of a 5-year-old son named Kevin, he went missing over 20 years ago. This is in stark contrast to his reputation as a murderer and cult relations. It's unclear what happened to Bob during those 20 years.This case is an intriguing and mysterious one, and further investigation is warranted in order to understand more about the complex and multi-faceted nature of crime and the criminal mind. It is important for law enforcement officials and investigators to understand that there is often more to any one situation than meets the eye and that it's possible to find solutions to even the most complex and puzzling crimes when all the pieces are properly analyzed. We hope that the family of Kevin Velseb is able to find closure and peace.Jack and John, Thank you for your assistance in this complex and intriguing case. Your help was pivotal in reaching the final conclusion and bringing justice to the families affected. Your hard work and dedication are appreciated and will not be forgotten.-Patty Hertz, Forensic Pathologist

The monster that killed Streber...
I'm still upset over it, you'll never know how much I've tried to get over what I had seen.
But I don't think that thing is even human.
It's like a demon...
Something not from this world.
I think I was able to see it because it wanted me to.
It wanted me to know what it did to him.
To mock me.
I should've helped him. I could've stopped it.
But I didn't...
I feel so useless. So helpless
Did Streber die because of me?
How...can you even run over somebody?
Even if they did kill someone you cared about?
It's all my fault...
It's all my fault...
I didn't mean to. I swear...
It was an accident.
He was going to walk away.
Just like he did to Streber.
I wasn't looking at the road...
I feel so guilty.
I feel bad for the thing that killed Streber...
The monster...
Even after all the things he's done, I don't know. I
What do I do now?
Just hide in an old house...forever?
That's it?
That's my future? To be forgotten about until time itself erases me from existence?
To hide like a coward, hoping the monster doesn't come back, because it's too afraid to do anything else.
That's just pathetic.
Who is the monster...?
The devil?
The demon?
Or am I? Because I didn't help Streber?
Was I too shocked? Too scared?
I should've helped Streber... and now he's dead...

Streber, dear Streber, how I miss him.
I feel empty and lost without you, darling.
Your sweet laugh, like an angel's song.
Your warm smile, always lighting up my day.
I miss you, Streber.
I miss you so much.
You’re gone...
Oh, how I hate those two words.
It’s like a dagger through the heart.
The pain, the sadness, the emptiness, it tears me apart.
I’m always on the verge of tears.
I’m always one step away from breaking down.
Every moment, I want to scream.
Every moment, I don’t want to be here.
I want you back so bad...but the truth is, you’re gone.
I miss your gentle soul.
I miss your laughter which was like birdsong in the morning.
I miss your voice, always singing, and your eyes.
Your lovely, beautiful eyes.
I miss you in a way the human mind could not possibly comprehend.
You were my everything, Streber.
Your love was like nothing I've ever felt before.
Without you, I feel lost, like I am alone in a world of suffering and pain.
Oh, Streber...
How much I miss you.

Dark and empty.
A void...
A place where nothing lives.
But the monster
It thrives here.
It feasts on your fear and grief,
And will never be full, never be satisfied.
The monster needs the suffering of others to live, or else it would die.
You are doomed to wander this dark, empty realm for eternity unless you can escape its grasp on your soul.
A soul that can never rest until the monster is satisfied... a nightmare

A fate...
One we all share.
The end of our stories.
For some...
It brings peace.
For others...
But for all who witness it, they will be afraid.
Death brings fear.
No soul can say they aren't afraid of it,
For they would be lying.
Death is...
A nightmare...
for those who witness it.A peace...
For those who are dying.
Those who have experienced death themselves would know what I speak

How could you?
How could you, after taking so much away from me, take my love from me?
Do you enjoy seeing me in pain?
Do you enjoy hearing me cry each night
Because you have taken away something so dear,
Something that was precious to me, something that you will never understand?
You are nothing. Less than nothing...
You are a monster.

Monster, monster, monster.
You're no person.
You're not even a thing.
You're a monster, a killer, a murderer, a thief.
You steal souls, you eat people whole...
You're nothing!
You're nothing but a monster.
A monster...
You can never change.
You will always be...
A monster...

Murder and cannibalism?
Is that all the horror of the world has to offer?
What about the monsters, the demons?
Not the human kind, you silly.
The real monsters that hide in caves, in forests, and in the deepest depths of our minds.
These demons are always waiting, always watching...
You don't even have to turn around to feel their presence.
That's the horrifying part.
You know they're there
And yet you can't see them...
A creature without a body, a face.
The ultimate predator...
I fear that I've become that.
You think you've reached the height of pleasure?
The ultimate sensation?
The one thing all humans share in this twisted world...
You've been misled.
There's something so much more than the carnal desires of man.
Something more than the senses of humans have...
And yet, this world is blind.
Unable to see the light, the beauty that we miss...
And what do we miss out on, do you think?
You'll never know...

The feeling of eating.
Of rotting.
Maggets in my skin eat away at my bone.
I ate what I shouldn't have and now they eat me.
This fate feels deserved.
But not...
For I can't die.
It seems they will eat me forever.
For once they bite.
I heal too fast...
This feels like my layer of hell.
I ate such meat.
And I pay the price.
They will eat till I'm bone.
Of what little meat I have left on me.
I'm skin and bones...
They are eating my skin...
eromyna siht ekil evil t'nac I em llik esaelP

To my loving Johnny <3,How's training doing? I'm still going through some schooling but I'll be back in town before you know it! I've been doing great! Not many people to chat with but that's alright, I was never really the new friends kind of person. I'm here to be a firefighter, not make friends! This has been our dream since we were kids and I'm not going to change that by getting distracted with stupid new friends. Not like everyone here is nice anyways. You would think people training to be heroes would be nicer? I'm not sure though. Write me back! I must know if you got that job at the station!~Your loving friend,
Iggy Evermore~ <3
To my loving Johnny,
I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. There have been many things that have happened in my life that have led me to a place of depression I never thought possible. My life isn't at all as I had imagined it would be and I'm struggling to find my way back. You have always been a friend that I can count on and right now, I need that more than you know. Is there any way that you can come to visit me? I could use the support and I would love to catch up after so long.Your friend always,
Iggy <3
To my loving Johnny,
Our friendship has been one of the few things in life I've been able to count on. I'm at a breaking point and feel as if I'm at the end of my rope. I feel so alone and afraid, and I don't know what to do. You know me better than anyone and have always been there for me through the darkest times. If anyone can help me through this, it's you. I feel like my life is spinning out of control and I need someone to talk to. This year has been one of the most difficult of my life and I'm feeling very overwhelmed and lost. I'm hoping that we can reconnect and maybe you can support me through this time. I know that we've had our setbacks, but we've also had a history of friendship and support. I'm reaching out in the hope that we can rekindle that connection.Your friend always,
Iggy <3
He ripped out my eye, not sure how much longer I can keep writing to you without them knowing. They will kill me one of these days, I just know it. I know you have a case on this fucking cult. I know you know I'm in town. Please for the love of everything Eyes has seen, save me!Ignacio.
I've been watching. Let the mayor die, Johnny

A man, alone in an empty house.
His home had been empty for months.
He wondered and wandered his halls.
His empty chair...
His empty fridge...
His empty bottles on the table...
But suddenly, God left gifts.
An angel was sent and left me with life.
Such a kind angel.
Though I have yet to see their face.
I wish to thank them.
For a wonderful gift.
A gift of hope...

I was going to write a poem, the only thing keeping me sane during this time, but I'm not sure what to write. I don't feel well again. It's like the maggots are back. Just when I started having some joy in my life again. Those gifts from that unknown stranger have been keeping me well. They started leaving me with more than just blankets, food, bottled water, and basic medicine. But today they left me paper and glue! Soda and candy! Books to read and notebooks to write in! Just a bunch of treats! Who cares if the maggots are back because I have soda? My first sip of soda in God only knows how long felt like taking drugs! Now, I've never had drugs before but I bet that it was like that, just a rush of bliss and pure joy as soon as the soda hit my tongue. Tastes like heaven even though it was just normal, basic, store-brand soda. How would I put that into a poem? It would sound crazier than my other ones somehow. It would sound like a love letter to soda, and if the stranger somehow was reading my poems I'm pretty sure they would be even more concerned by that than a poem about the maggots. I'm sure the maggots would just randomly disappear again, I never do know where they go. I just go to bed and the next morning I'm all better. Roy said it was the vitamin water but he doesn't realize the severity of my illness. I believe he thinks I'm just having normal food poisoning because I never explain further than the basic stuff, he's too much of a good kid to know why I'm getting sick. Oh! That however might make a good poem, even if I already did one or two before. "Unable to control one's self. The eyes a blue trigge start. Blue like the sky gems." No, I'm putting those awful eyes in a good light. How to I put those evil blue eyes into words?

Name: John Danger Redfield.Occupation: Police Officer (role of sheriff).Likes: Work, coffee, friends, family, doughnuts, smoking, whiskey, the Happy Fella show, always had a soft spot for kids, reading (primarily seems to be psychology and crime-related books, though some supernatural books have been trickled in on his shelf.), gun collecting, cats, listening to the radio or podcast, cooking (a mix of southern and western foods.), working out (mainly treadmill, punching bag, and jogging around his neighborhood.).Dislikes: People who don't follow the rules, snakes (ophidiophobia), most sodas, orange juice, Coco Coocy cereal (for some strange reason), people being mean to Jack, bribes, people disrespecting his authority, people telling him to "calm down".Good qualities: Brave, hard-working, good at solving cases, strong, handsom dashi good with kids and raising them, good at heart even if he's a grump, good morals even if he has to put them to the side to get the job done, protective.Negative qualities: impatient, bad at admitting when he's wrong, weaker immune system, his self-image.He is the cop and his partner who has the case on the cult but has a good sense of morals. He and Jack are also the only cops who weren't paid off to be silent, so he is the only one I can trust. I don’t want him to be killed by the cult for finding out, so I need to keep tabs on him so I can protect him. Kill those who hurt him and get revenge.
Name: Jack Kiri Ebina.
Occupation: Police Officer (role of deputy).Likes: Friends and coworkers, helping people, doughnuts, baking, reading (primarily seems to be kinky romance books, most of which include something about rope and or blood in the title or cover.), hiking, video games (only owns PS3 and PS2.), DND, drawing, basketball, romance movies, music CD's (the horniest jazz and rock music I've ever heard.), cherry Pepsi (maybe a little too much...), board games.Dislikes: People he deems as troublemakers, clowns (might have coulrophobia.), mosquitoes, velvet textured anything, being lied to for any reason, cockroaches (John has to kill them because Jack just screams.), injustice, people who are mean to service workers, being wrong about a hunch, loud noises.Good qualities: Patient, smart, nice, hard to make upset, very hard working and loves his job, quick to spring into action, quick thinker, good at desolating fights, takes things seriously when needed.Bab qualities: Fast to fire, Cult Kid Thoughts are extremely overpowering and easy to influence him, very bad driver (John had to take over the wheel.), has a hard time reading social cues.Jack was born to be part of the cult through his cultist mother, but his priest father sent him to be raised by his grandparents because his twin took more priority. He felt these urges to hurt other people very early in life, the usual Cult Kid deal but they seem to be much stronger and easy to take over his mind and make his eye's into turning blue, and carrying on the action without a second thought. He's struggled with these urges throughout his life, but he's been able to keep them at bay with his passion for fighting crime. As a police officer, he's exposed to constant danger and stress, but he always rises to the challenge. He's become one of the best cops in town, and he's made a lot of friends within the force, but he's always had to keep his cultish thoughts private. The only other person who knows about the Cult Kid Thoughts is John but had no idea what they mean. Jack is a good example of a Cult Kid but the cult has no control over him, making him useless (a good thing in this context), so I need to keep tabs on him so I can protect him.
Name: Richard George Hedony Jr. (Prefers the nickname "Rick.")
Occupation: Unemployed Genomooru store clerk Unemployed Knee & Eel Theatre clerk Unemployed Candy Club store clerk Unemployed Post Office Mailman Unemployed ???Likes: ??? Music, hugs, attention, affection, sleeping.Dislikes: Negative or rude people, being alone or abandoned, the idea of failure.Good qualities: Loyal, protective, kind, empathetic, family-oriented.Negative qualities: Self-destructive, hopeless, depressed, unmotivated, Cult Kid Thoughts are emotionally triggered (doesn't matter what emotion he expresses.).The Cult Kid Thoughts seem to be triggered by just expressing emotion, negative or positive, causing him to make himself expressionless. However, when his personality shines through he's a loyal and protective man of his loved ones. He currently is giving supplies to Kevin "Candy Man" Stephen Velseb and keeping him around as protection from his family. His parents and uncle are cultists, Rick left before they could recruit him on his 18th birthday. His job hopping seems to be caused by his avoidance of his family and lack of motivation. He has a good grip on control of himself but it's making him unhappy with his life, so I need to keep tabs on him so I can protect him.
Name: Franklin Delano Ebina (Forced to use the nickname "Frank.")
Occupation: Cult's "Servant."Likes: N/A (Not allowed to decide for himself.)Dislikes: N/A (Not allowed to decide for himself.)Good qualities: N/A (Not allowed to decide for himself.)Negative qualities: Easily manipulated and persuaded, doesn't know how to decide things for himself, isn't himself.[REDACTED]
Name: Bob Dilo Velseb
Occupation: Unemployed Grill n Boys Diner OwnerLikes: Cooking, serving, talking to friends and people, helping the community, making people smile, burgers, root beer (mainly the cream soda version.), family and friends, making stuff for friends and loved ones (cooking seems to be his love language).Dislikes: Rude people, food that doesn't meet his standards, drugs, death, The Cult of Eyes, his immortality.Good Qualities: Kind, caring, thoughtful, respectful, hard-working, family-oriented, sweet, honest, commonly seen as a parental figure by many of all ages, great with kids, outgoing, talkative, gentle, realistic while also being encouraging to people, will do anything to help his friends, puts others before himself.Negative Qualities: Gets angry from time to time if someone takes his kindness too far, is overly protective and possessive, naive at times, gullible, easily manipulated by others at times.Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Bring him back his son. Kill those who hurt him and get revenge, so I need to keep tabs on him so I can protect him.
Name: Kevin "Candy Man" Stephen Velseb
Occupation:Likes:Dislikes:Good Qualities:Negative Qualities:My last hope.

There were maggots in my mouth...
I can't tell where from.
Did they come out?
Were they coming in?
Waking up with maggots in my mouth was enough.
Thinking about it makes it worse.
I can't tell where from.
Did they come out?
Were they coming in?